Designed with a vision to empower others in all aspects of life, Nelson and Tiffany have traveled their own journeys of trials and tribulations and have found an empowerment in their relationship which has given them the opportunity and drive to help those that have experienced similar and different things. Their quest is to guide others to growth in all aspects of the rollercoaster of life.

Welcome to our website!

Through the pages of our site, you will find resources and products that will allow you to find yourself within your own journey, to help you thrive in each season of life. 



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Speaking Engagement Opportunities


Writing Courses Completed


Daily Engagements


Way seeing lives changed!

Products & Services


Our latest book Power of Pain is now available! Find empowerment through the ups and down of life.


Our Power of the P podcast  is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, & Spotify. 


You can book a speaking or podcasting engagement through here! 

Writers Master Class

Learn how to write your book in 6 months with guidance to publish during our self-paced hands on writers master class course!


Need custom guidance and one on one coaching for your writing? We offer three sessions to help get you started and tailor your writing needs to success!

Free Resources

We offer a variety of free resources for you to use and apply. These are frequently updated here!

Thanks for stopping in!

Through the pages of our site, you will find resources and products that will allow you to find yourself within your own journey, to help you thrive in each season of life. Both Nelson and I have gone through many different trials and challenges in our lives. Both of us have experienced divorce, sharing of custody, have had to start over, dealt with financial struggle, walked through many seasons of pain and loss, which you will hear and read through our books and have come through stronger and more empowered. We have gleaned many practical tools through our own processes and have a passion to share those things to help you live a life that is not just surviving but is thriving to help you live empowered the way you were designed to. We hope and pray you find yourself and begin to love every part of your journey as we all go through what life brings our way even in the unexpected highs and lows of life. If you would like to join us on our podcast or have a desire to share your story and grow, please connect with us!